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美国著名交易员 Trader - Paul Tudor Jones

sujiaoshou 2017-10-15 14:12 1114人围观

美国著名交易员 Trader - Paul Tudor Jones

现在活着的交易员中,CNBC 把Paul Tudor Jones排在第2名,第1名是 乔治·索罗斯,1992年, when 索罗斯 made $1 billion in a single day by betting against the British pound 的记录恐怕无人能破。

Paul Tudor Jones 1954年出生,76年毕业于University of Virginia,经济学本科,酷爱运动,曾获得该校次重量级拳击冠军。

76年进入NYC stock exchange trading floor as a 职员,后成为股票经纪人。到1980年,在稳定获利两年半后感觉到经纪人是一非常乏味的工作。Paul 申请哈佛商学院获得录取。报道前改变主意。“就我所干的活而言,商学院能教我什么呢?商学院可不教交易技术。”同年他转做棉花期货,成为一个NYC 期货 floor trader.  

Paul 引起人们注意并不在于他做棉花期货的3年半里赚了几百万,而在于他稳定获利的交易能力。3年半的时间里,他只有一个月出现过账面亏损。

1983年, Paul创立Tudor Investment 对冲基金。以后,Paul 集中于stocks index futures trading.

1987年,Paul Tudor Jones 成功预见到黑色星期一的市场崩溃并大举做空而名利双收。
Paul Tudor Jones is known for predicting the 1987 stock market crash and doubling his clients’ money in the process. 

2007年,福布斯排名他为全球第369位最富的人。According to media reports, he made ,他的财产估计为750millionin2006.2009年,他的财产估计为63 亿美元。

赚钱助穷人与贫穷斗争是Paul Tudor Jones 生活的一部分--- " primarily I have a dream "。他成立的Robin Hood Foundation是纽约著名的慈善基金。

Jones 的交易风格与信念:反传统,反趋势的交易者,善于运用波浪理论抓住底部和顶部的转折点。

As reported in Market Wizards, Jones futures trading style and beliefs are summarized as follows :

· Contrarian attempt to buy and sell turning points. Keeps trying the single trade idea until he changes his mind, fundamentally. Otherwise, he keeps cutting his position size down. Then he trades the smallest amount when his trading is at its worst.

· Considers himself as a premier market opportunist. When he develops an idea he pursues it from a very-low-risk standpoint until he has been proven wrong repeatedly, or until he changes his viewpoint.

· Swing trader, the best money is made at the market turns. Has missed a lot of meat in the middle, but catches a lot of tops and bottoms.

· Spends his day making himself happy and relaxed. Gets out if a losing position is making him uncomfortable. Nothing’s better than a fresh start. Key is to play great defense, not great offense.

· Never average losers. Decreases his trading size when he is doing poorly, increase when he is trading well.

· He has mental stops. If it hits that number, he is out no matter what. He uses not only price stops, but time stops.

· Monitors the whole portfolio equity (risk) in realtime.

· He believes prices move first and fundamentals come second.

· He doesn’t care about mistakes made 3 seconds ago, but what he is going to do from the next moment on.

· Don't be a hero. Don't have an ego. Always question yourself and your ability. Don’t ever feel that you are very good. The second you do, you are dead.

老渔夫 发表于 2010-6-14 09:06:55 |只看作者 |倒序

原作者: 老渔夫  来自: 人大财经BBS